Expert Psychic Readings of Various Kinds

While psychics, such as myself, won't map out your entire life, they will scoop some outlines which can be of great help to you in several ways. Whether you are in need of guidance for a better future or want to maintain the spark of love and romance in your marriage, all of these and many other problems affecting your life can be solved with a reliable psychic by your side. If you reside in Las Vegas, NV, you can always turn to Love Spell by Tammy to point you towards the light at the end of the tunnel. 

Available 24 Hours, Call Now

  • Psychic reading
  • Tarot Card Reading
  • Love Spells
  • Fortune Telling
  • Private Envents
  • Chakra Balancing
  • Aura Cleansing
  • Crystals for Sale
  • Stone for Sale
  • Herbs for Sale
  • Energy Hearing

Love Spell by Tammy is available 24 hours. I can give you guidance on how to connect to your soulmates, help with prevention of divorce and breakups, chasing evil spirits, restoring romance, and improving your communication with your significant other. Master Psychic Tammy will give you honest answers to help in your journey to reconnecting with your soulmate.

My Other Website
Chakra Balancing

What I Do

Psychic Reading

Psychic Reading
I am an expert in psychic readings with 35-plus years of experience working with different individuals on their unique problems. I am available 24/7 and am here to help you deal with all the negative energy surrounding your body, help you deal with anxiety, fight depression, as well as much more. You can come by my place, have me visit yours, or attend the private events that I hold.
Tarot Reading
There are many interesting aspects to your life that you could learn just from a simple tarot card reading session. With the tarot card reading service I offer, many people have been able to find out the mysteries of their past, the issues that bind them today, as well as the unseen future that awaits them. If you are seeking answers to questions revolving around your existence, I can help.

Love Spells

Love Spells
Broken hearts can be tough to heal. However, that does not make it impossible. I am a psychic with great solutions to help you deal with breakups, restore the romance between you and your significant other, as well as improve your relationship. I can also help you find that one soulmate that reflects your vision, understanding, and ideals in life. Just give me a call first.

Fortune Telling

Fortune Telling
Ever wondered about how your future will unfold? Or perhaps you want to find out the answers to past mysteries. Aside from tarot card reading, I possess several other abilities that allow me to gaze upon your future and predict information about your life. I offer palm reading, crystal ball services, and plenty of other ways to help you clear any mysteries that you continue to question.

Chakra Balancing & Aura Cleansing

Chakra Balancing & Aura Cleansing
These two are great ways to start your life all over again, free from negative emotions and filled with peace, clarity of the mind, and harmony. There are different approaches to cleansing your aura and balancing the chakra levels of your body. One way to know for sure that you are doing it correctly is by turning to me. I have got you covered.

Items on Sale

Items on Sale
Aside from all the psychic reading sessions, fortune telling, chakra balancing, and other services I provide, I can also hook you up with different items that hold different forms of energy. I offer a variety of crystals, stones, and energy healing features that you can put in different areas of your home or wear with you as they give you the energy you need.
Psychic Readings

Love Spell by Tammy
Address: Las Vegas, NV 89141
Phone: (702) 556-1476

Pros to Consider 

Demonstrating professionalism with the highest form of customer service has helped Love Spell by Tammy grow tremendously. The love spell psychic and various fortune-telling services I provide come with my undivided attention towards your needs, complete honesty in everything I say to you, and the assurance of your complete satisfaction.

Here to Help 

Whether you need a reliable tarot reading or a thorough chakra balancing with aura cleansing, you can rest assured that choosing me is the right option. I take everything seriously, which is why you can expect nothing but my undivided attention to all your love, work, or other life-related issues. I am available 24/7, so pick up the phone and let's talk.

Contact me if you reside in Las Vegas, NV and are interested in the reliable and affordable psychic reading and other services I provide. I'm looking forward to your call. Contact me today!